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Town of Picture Butte

Phone:   403-732-4555


120 - 4th Street North
Picture Butte, AB

Urban Hens

On the 25th of May, 2021 Council passed Bylaw No. 912-21 Urban Hen Bylaw. This bylaw allows for ten residential properties to be issued an Urban Hen Licence. With an Urban Hen Licence residents will be able to keep up to five hens on their property.
How to apply for an Urban Hen Licence:

  1. Complete an Urban Hen Licence Application
  1. Pay the non-refundable application fee of $100
What happens after the Town has accepted my application and payment?

Upon receiving a completed application and the required fee, the Town will:

  1. Notify adjacent landowners of the application.
  1. Schedule an appointment with the landowner/applicant to inspect the chicken coop and ensure that it meets the bylaw’s requirements.
  1. If the applicant meets all of the bylaw requirements the landowner/applicant will be notified and required to pay the annual licence fee ($30).
Upon receiving an Urban Hen Licence the licence holder must:

  1. Apply for a Premise Identification Number (PID) and provide the PID to the Town within 30 days of acquiring the hens.    
  1. Follow the requirements of the Urban Hen Bylaw. Highlights include:
  1. Pay the annual licence fee prior to the 31st of January of every year.
To understand all of the requirements please read the updated Bylaw No. 926-22 Urban Hen Bylaw found here.

Urban Hens Brochure - PDF
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